Beards Babes & Banter's Podcast
An unfiltered, honest podcast that looks at the male and female perspective on adulting. Different views, various personalities and whole bag of opinions! From marriage, parenting and relationships to finance, health and future planning - you name it, we speak it! #SayItWithChestOrBreast
Beards Babes & Banter's Podcast
Beards, Babes and Banter Intro
Season 1
Episode 0
A warm welcome from the Beards, Babes and Banter team. We will be launching our pilot episode on Thursday 1 July 2021, so tune in and follow us on socials to keep up-to-date with our fellow Beards and Babes as we begin this journey with you! Instagram: @BeardsBabesAndBanter, Twitter: @BeardsBabes&Banter
We hope you enjoy!